Friday, March 27, 2009

What I've been up to....

Things have become pretty darn S L O W at work lately... Oh, I know... it's not just where I work... but everywhere. Not only has it just slowed down, but almost (at times) come to a screeching halt. I work in the steel industry, and YIKES! It's darn bad. Beginning of the year, we had an across the board 3% pay cut, along with our health insurance became one of those newer "High Deductible" plans. For a single person, the first $3000 has to come out of YOUR pocket... oh, but wait, only AFTER you pay that, you will have coverage at 100% (for the balance of that year... then it will start all over). Thankfully, they decided to offer us an HSA Plan (Health Savings Account) that allows us to put $$$ into an account (pre-taxed) for any medical expenses we may incur. NOW, to help reduce costs at our 3 plants, instead of laying more people off (which could begin happening again after Easter), they decided to actually CLOSE on certain days. We have the option to either take them as "unpaid" days, or begin to burn through our vacation time. HEAVEN FORBID they decide to close down for a week or two this summer (like they've been talking about). I don't know how I can go that long without a pay check. ALL that to say this....

What I've been up to lately...
I've been given the task (that I THANKFULLY accepted) of selling items on eBay. My Godmother is a recently retired Christian Pastoral Counselor, who had a HUGE library full of various types of reference materials... books, cd's, VHS's, bibles... etc. She "hired" me to research and SELL on eBay. I really enjoy this type of thing... Hey, every little bit helps!!!

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