Sunday, September 28, 2008

For One More Day by Mitch Albom

"If you had the chance, just one chance, to go back and fix what you did wrong in life, would you take it? And if you did, would you be big enough to stand it?" For One More Day will make you smile. It will make you wistful. It will make you blink back tears of nostalgia. But most of all, it will make you believe in the eternal power of a mother's love."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

PLEASE VOTE for the SOUTHERN STAR MINPIN RESCUE! It only takes a minute.

Please take a moment to VOTE!!

A co-worker of mine and his family currently run an animal rescue out of their home. They are VERY involved with the Southern Star MinPin Rescue. If you click on the link above, and choose their particular rescue, that rescue has the chance to win $10,000.00. I know this family puts so much time, effort and MONEY into helping just about every dog they hear of.... so, if you have a free moment, click the link above, and vote!! Thank YOU!!

p.s. If you do go vote, come back and leave me a message letting me know... hey, it will make me feel good!! =)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Amazing web site called

I found this wonderful site that allows you to watch full length movies, current TV shows, and even shows from the past such as The Facts of Life, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Knight Rider... etc. If you enjoy watching a show each week, but happen to miss one... you can check this site out. Chances are great they will have the full episode, or at the least, clips of the show. The site is check it out when you get a chance. I think you will be amazed at all they offer... for FREE!!

Goodnight Sweetheart, Goodnight!

This has to be one of thee cutest videos floating around on the internet and emails right now. How cute is this... to see all these puppies getting into their relaxed, snuggly postions to fall asleep, while being sung to.... I LOVE DOGS!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This is a movie trailer for the upcoming movie, Fireproof that is opening on September 26-28. It's a Christian film so I just wanted to encourage those that I know to try and see it opening weekend because the higher the numbers for those few days, the more cities that it will run in and the longer it will run. From what I can tell, it looks pretty good, but check out the trailer and see what you think.

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs!! 1000 piece by Springbok

Here is the latest puzzle we finished at work - it took 5 weeks to complete. Springbok puzzles are THE BEST. I kinda wish I had posts to all the ones we've completed =(
We've been working puzzles for many, many years. We all look forward to lunch time to see how far we can get each day!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jesus Land: A Memoir by Julia Scheeres

So, I just finished another memoir that I found by glancing through a "Listmania" on This was a very good but heart-breaking memoir. There was some unexpected foul language used in this book - however, after really getting into the book.... not so unexpected after all.

Julia Scheeres tells her story (and her brothers story) about growing up in the '70's as a white girl with two adopted black brothers, in rural Indiana, and then being sent off to a Christian reform school in the Dominican Republic when their parents didn't seem to have any tolerance for their kids. While religion was heavily pushed both at school and in their home, they rarely find themselves receiving anything that resembles Christian love. Their mother focuses more on church and missionaries then she does her children, and their father, who is never home, administers harsh beatings to her brother, David. This story tells of endless racial tauntings by schoolmates, rape by her oldest adopted brother, and a constant search for real love and a sense of family.

You can read more about this book and the author by going to I went to her web site to find out more about her, and to my great sadness (but no surprise), she states she is a "Devout hedonist … agnostic … secular humanist." She states she "lost her religion in degrees". It's sad to think about all the people that really get turned off toward Christians and Christianity because of all the JUNK out there that is labeled "Christian".

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Down Came the Rain by Brooke Shields

I just finished this book last night. It's a brave memoir that doesn't shy away from the most difficult moments of Brooke's struggles to have a child. She not only tried numerous IVF cycles, but also suffered a miscarriage before she finally got pregnant with her daughter - only to suffer even MORE with the aftermath of postpartum depression. Brooke thought she'd bounce back in a few days after resting from her difficult labor. Instead, her feelings intensified: "This was sadness of a shockingly different magnitude. It felt as if it would never go away." While Brooke denied anything was wrong, the persistence of friends and her husband persuaded her to seek treatment through medication and therapy. This memoir describes Brooke's most difficult moments, including her suicidal thoughts, clearly showing the despair postpartum depression can wreak.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Harvey (passed away 09/02/08)

All good things must come to an end, and so it is with a beautiful bird named Harvey. He lived to be about 21 or 22 years old (to the best of our knowledge). He was always happy and singing, both to himself in the mirror and to his "best friend" Silver. Our family has had these two birds for over 20 years.

A few months back, my parents decided it would be best to find Harvey and Silver a good home... one that could afford them more time and attention... maybe one with older kids. I found just that family. A co-worker of mine was very interested in receiving these "boys" for their boys. So, we cleaned up the cage, and sent them off to a wonderful home. These 3 boys spent so much time trying to train Harvey and Silver new songs and tricks. My friend told me that they would find various bird tricks and songs on YouTube and play them over and over on the "big screen TV", with Harvey and Silver sitting watching. Well, I don't think they had too much luck with that method of training, but both birds did get a lot of play time.

Silver is doing fine... but I'm sure misses his friend. However... now he gets all the food and fresh Fruit Loops all to himself!!! What more can you ask for??