Friday, October 24, 2008

What do you know about Mona Vie?

Have you ever heard of Mona Vie? Have you or someone you know experienced any great results from taking this product?

I've recently become very curious about the affects of anti-oxidants. Several months ago I was told that I have severe arthritis in both of my knees, bone-on-bone friction, and, will one day require complete knee replacement on both. I'm not one to complain about my pain or discomfort, but at times the pain is beyond words. I HATE taking medicine, but find myself popping a couple Motrin IB's to help make it thru the day!! Each day brings aches and pains to some degree, and have become more and more common in my everyday activities. My wonderful chiropractor says "YOU can do something to help reverse this pain" and educates me each visit. He explains how everyones body "oxidizes" (thru what we eat and our activities), and "anti-oxidants" are what help to "re-oxidize" (strengthen and build back up) your muscles. Of course, this "miracle drink" isn't cheap, and there can be pressures to become a "distributor" when buying your "miracle drink".

I've decided to give this juice a try... other than hurting my pocket book a little more, I have nothing to loose... and everything to gain. I would love to hear any feedback you may have about this product, or any other product (like this one) that could be worth checking out. I've tried a product by NOW called "Acie", and from what I've been told, dollar for dollar (and ounce per ounce), Mona Vie is the better value.

1 comment:

Fozzie Bear said...

I am hooked on this stuff