Saturday, February 21, 2009

Valentine's Day treats...

If you have kept up with any of my older posts... you will see that my boss does EXTRA SPECIAL things for her team members. Every "holiday" she has special games with prizes, or gifts for us all to enjoy. This Valentines Day was no different. She packed a Valentine lunch bag full of goodies - each bag having a little something different inside. First, she had us all pick the first one, NOT open them, and then swap bags as we wanted all morning. Then, at lunch, we stopped swapping, and opened them. Here is a picture of what was in my bag. There were cute socks, Andes mints, a gift card to Target, and a FULL SIZE BAG of M & M's peanut... (that was the biggest thrill for me... cuz I never buy a bag for myself). She also gave each of us two long stem candy roses (suckers). So, although I didn't have a "special Valentine" to share my day with... my day was still fun!!

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