Saturday, September 6, 2008

Down Came the Rain by Brooke Shields

I just finished this book last night. It's a brave memoir that doesn't shy away from the most difficult moments of Brooke's struggles to have a child. She not only tried numerous IVF cycles, but also suffered a miscarriage before she finally got pregnant with her daughter - only to suffer even MORE with the aftermath of postpartum depression. Brooke thought she'd bounce back in a few days after resting from her difficult labor. Instead, her feelings intensified: "This was sadness of a shockingly different magnitude. It felt as if it would never go away." While Brooke denied anything was wrong, the persistence of friends and her husband persuaded her to seek treatment through medication and therapy. This memoir describes Brooke's most difficult moments, including her suicidal thoughts, clearly showing the despair postpartum depression can wreak.


Anonymous said...

Sounds good...can I borrow it? :-)

Anonymous said...

Sure... It was really good. Not too long either. I'll give it to you the next time I see you.