Friday, February 6, 2009

I remember getting "HAPPY GAS"

This short video is so cute!!! I remember the days of getting "Happy Gas" at the dentist office.... I LOVED that stuff. This little boys expressions are priceless!! So tell me... does your dentist still give you "Happy Gas"??? ENJOY!!


Anonymous said...

That is too funny! I didn't get gas until I was about 25 I think. Now I love going to the dentist! It's like a mini vacation!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the gas and yes, I still use it even as an adult. There is no better feeling than that funny little rubber mask filling you with wonderous sweet-air (laughing gas). I usually fall in love with the ceiling lights and I drift off to lala land. What was it like for you?

Laura, Lena and Caleb too!! said...

I don't know why I stopped getting it years ago?!?!? I do remember the music in the background kept repeating (kind of like being stuck on a record player)and the feeling of doing summer-salts (sp?) and back flips... a totally awesome feeling. DARN! Maybe I should have a chat with my dentist... :-) Now, all I get are the shots in the gum... and then pray the entire time it doesn't wear off before he's done!

Anonymous said...

Um....yeah...get the gas. Unless you're a glutton for torture or something! It should be free too, fyi.

Anonymous said...

Laura, what about the other gas that puts you to sleep...I remember this black rubber mask and gas...Have you ever been put to sleep that way..That was a trip!